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Medical Dermatology

At the MS Skin Centre, we have a team of expert dermatologists with vast clinical experience in diagnosing & treating various skin ailments. Our dermatologists will spend time with you to understand your detailed medical history & suggest the most appropriate treatment for your condition.

medical dermatology

1. Clinical


Pimples are the bane of adolescent life. Sometimes they can appear or persist later in life as ‘Adult Onset Acne’. Acne is driven by your hormones. External factors like stress, cosmetics, humidity, medication & starchy food, only play a limited role in worsening acne. Over-washing can be counter-productive. Do not pick on acne, or you’ll be left with scars & marks. Although it is a purely cosmetic concern, most patients choose to get it treated, as post-acne scarring is difficult to treat. When seen in association with weight gain, irregular periods, hair thinning, etc., an endocrinologist’s opinion must be sought to rule out hormonal disorders like polycystic ovaries. Acne is treated with topical gels &/or oral medications like antibiotics, hormonal medication or Isotretinoin. Our facility also offers Blue Light therapy for those who are not keen or unsuitable for treatment with antibiotics or Isotretinoin. Marks & scars are treated with creams along with procedural modalities performed by trained dermatologists.


Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness & swelling on the face, usually on the cheeks & nose. These may be accompanied by the appearance of tiny broken blood vessels on the skin, & pimple-like lesions. There is a very typical tendency to blush & flush easily. Flushing is usually temporary & is triggered by certain stimulants like alcohol, caffeine, spices, hot food, strong sunlight, stomach infections or emotions (anger, crying). Rosacea rarely reverses & may last for years. It can worsen without treatment. About 50% of sufferers have complaints of dryness & foreign-body sensation in the eyes- a condition known as ocular (eye) rosacea. Rosacea is treated with sunscreens & topical medication. Oral medication is rarely needed. Most patients have highly reactive skin, hence a patch test may be needed for the selection of appropriate skincare.


Vitiligo is a condition where white patches develop on the skin due to loss of pigment. There are usually no other symptoms. In about a third of all cases, it may be hereditary. The pattern of inheritance is unclear but it is not contagious. It is worsened by stress. Before initiation of treatment, we order some blood tests to rule out co-existing autoimmune conditions. Treatment includes topical & oral medication, depending upon your age, onset, severity & medical history. Phototherapy helps in stimulating pigment production in the patches. Camouflage make-ups & foundations can help restore confidence & self-esteem till your medication takes effect. Consult a dermatologist to rule out other conditions & seek the right treatment.


Psoriasis is a chronic non-contagious skin condition characterized by red, inflamed, scaly & sometimes itchy areas on the skin. It may sometimes involve the joints. Although there is a genetic component, about 80% of all sufferers get it for the first time after the age of 30. It is a fairly common condition that can be treated but not cured. It tends to present several periods of remissions & relapses. 70-80% of sufferers will have local lesions. Once treated, Psoriasis may remain in remission for a period of a few weeks to several years. However, recurrences are the rule. The exact cause is unclear. Instead of the normal cell cycle of approximately 30 days taken to ‘shed’ old skin, the psoriatic skin cells mature in 2-3 days which creates the visible scaling. Psoriasis can be triggered by certain infections & medications like painkillers or certain pills used to treat blood pressure, psychosis & malaria. Most patients note worsening of the lesions in winter. Sometimes a skin biopsy &/or joint X-rays may be needed to confirm the diagnosis. Topical medications including moisturizers are the first line of treatment. In severe cases oral medications, injectables or phototherapy may be prescribed based on your age & medical background.


Fungal infections are extremely common, easy to diagnose & completely curable. Daily bathing, proper drying post-shower, powdering all body folds after a bath (preferably with anti-fungal powders), wearing comfortable cotton under-wears/boxers & keeping your weight in check are simple DIY measures to avoid recurrence. There are 3 common types of fungal infections:

Dermatophyte infections: characterized by itchy red scaly ring-shaped lesions which can appear anywhere in the body, though they are more common in body folds where sweat accumulates. This is a contagious infection & can be acquired from pets, barbershops or towels, footwear etc.
Yeast infections: manifest as thrush in the mouth or genitalia with itching & vaginal white discharge. They can also appear as red, wet, foul-smelling & sore macerated areas in the body folds. It is more common among pregnant, obese or diabetic individuals.
White fungus or Tinea Versicolor: these appear as mildly scaly white spots on the chest &/or back with no other symptoms. Common in humid & tropical climates, they recur every summer or monsoon.

Hair, Scalp, Nail Disorders

Hair problems might include patchy or diffuse hair loss, excessive facial hair growth & various skin conditions affecting the scalp such as psoriasis, eczema & seborrhoeic dermatitis. We order blood tests for the diagnosis of underlying medical conditions which may be responsible for hair thinning or Hirsutism.
Nail problems include brittle nails, fungal infections, nails affected by medical conditions like biotin deficiency, or skin conditions like Psoraisis. We perform nail clippings for microscopic examination & fungal culture/sensitivity, in order to choose the right antifungal treatment.
Treatment is specific to diagnosis & case. Consult our dermatologists for more details.

Scars & Keloids

Scarring sometimes occurs post-trauma, surgery, burn or even post-acne. Scars can be treated using medicated ointments along with procedural intervention like microdermabrasion, fractional resurfacing lasers, subcision & microneedling techniques.

Keloids are abnormal scars that can be triggered by minor trauma or acne but can also appear de novo. Keloids are ugly & are especially troublesome as they can itch & grow larger. If you have a tendency for keloids, then any site of trauma (even piercing & minor dermatological procedures) can potentially lead to fresh keloid formation. Medicated ointments containing allantoin, allium cepa, topical steroids &/or heparin can reduce the thickness of hypertrophic scars, but they work best when the scar is fresh (less than a year old). Mechanical pressure from silicone gel sheets is also helpful. When topical treatments fail, intralesional steroid injections with or without liquid nitrogen freezing is the treatment of choice.


Urticaria or ‘hives’ are pale red swellings of the skin that occur in groups or on any part of the skin. Each hive lasts for a few hours, rarely up to a day, before gradually fading away without a trace. It can sometimes be associated with a condition called angioedema, where a patient can develop swelling around the eyes, lips, tongue &/or genitalia, or choking sensation in the throat. Urticaria can be caused by any number of triggers including food, stress, infections, sweating, medications or medical conditions like thyroid disease. When hives occur on & off for a period longer than 6 weeks, then it is called Chronic Urticaria. Here the cause may be harder to identify although such cases are usually caused by the development of autoimmune antibodies in the system. Chronic Urticaria may last for 3-5 years. Antihistamines are the mainstay of treatment. If you develop giant & painful hives which last for more than a day, then ANA testing & skin biopsy may be performed to rule out Urticarial Vasculitis or Lupus.


Atopic Dermatitis or ‘Eczema’ affects about 3% of all children. It is more common in children born to families with asthma, hay fever, spring catarrh & eczema.
Dry & irritable skin with severe & easily triggered itching is the outstanding feature of this condition. It is important to remember that your child’s skin has an overactive immune system, because of which he/she is sensitive to a large number of irritants in our environment, to which other children do not react.
Eczema can be kept under control with regular use of bland, fragrance-free moisturizers & soap-free cleansers. Medicated ointments are only used on inflamed areas of the skin & are meant to be used for short periods of time only. Use cotton clothing rather than wool or synthetic. Do not eliminate essential foods like eggs or milk from the diet, until food allergies can be medically confirmed. 30-50% of all atopic children will eventually get better as they enter adolescence.

Patch Test

Allergic patch testing helps to identify specific allergens. It is an internationally recognised method of testing & is a simple test that can often help identify the cause of a skin allergy & help in eliminating the cause. This can go a long way towards finding a long-term solution to your skin allergy issues.

Sun Allergies

Sun allergy is a common term used to refer to a number of conditions where the skin becomes red & develops an itchy rash when exposed to strong sunlight. In some cases, this may be a hereditary condition or may develop due to certain medications or exposure to certain plants. The most common type of condition is Photo dermatitis or sun poisoning where swelling & rashes or blisters may appear on the exposed skin & often persist for long periods. Mild cases of sun allergy usually resolve themselves. In severe cases, topical steroids & other medication may be prescribed.

medical dermatology

2. Laser

Acne & Pigmentation Treatment

The Pixel is a fractional semi-ablative Erbium:YAG laser which is the best laser available for the treatment of acne scars in Asian skin types. The procedure requires no anaesthesia & no dressings. The entire process requires 4-6 sittings to produce 60-70% improvement in the appearance of acne scars. This treatment has a 3-5 days downtime, during which your skin will show some redness & bronzing or flaking, which will resolve completely. The Pixeli RF laser with Impact Module (Alma’s Legato laser) also works on a similar principle. It has a punch apply & push technique. The radiofrequency light ablates the skin. The Impact module uses ultrasound waves to enable customized cosmeceutical delivery directly to the target skin. Specialized pre-treatment & post-treatment skincare kits help in preparing the skin & healing it post-treatment, for best results. This treatment also requires 6 sessions, & has a 5-7 days downtime. The eMatrix machine uses fractional bi-polar radiofrequency & is an optimal treatment for patients with scarring & pigmentation. This treatment also has a 3-5 days downtime for healing.

Treating Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can appear during periods of rapid weight change, puberty & pregnancy. Stretch marks can be prevented by the use of cosmeceutical creams & fresh stretch marks (less than a year old) can be treated successfully using medicated ointments containing tretinoin & retinyl palmitate. However older stretch marks have to be treated with fractional ablative lasers or the unique Legato laser by Alma. All treatments have a 5-day downtime & are performed under topical anesthesia (using cream). No dressing is required. Treatment requires multiple sessions. Skin sagging can be addressed using skin tightening lasers & abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck” surgery)

Tattoo Removal

The Q switched Nd:YAG laser is the treatment of choice for the removal of unwanted tattoos in all their popular colours. Once the tattoo colours are broken, the fluids in the skin wash away the pigment/ink. The treatment is quick & allows for near-complete removal of the tattoo in 6-8 sessions. An anaesthetic cream is applied over the tattoo for 30 minutes before the treatment for a pain-free experience. Patients experience redness & mild soreness for a day or two after treatment. When treating black tattoos, minor blistering may be expected in some patients, which will turn into scabs in 4-5 days & heal by the end of a week. Some colours like light blue & light green are difficult to treat completely. Older tattoos are easier to treat & require fewer sessions.

Tag & Growth Removal

Carbon dioxide laser is used for the precise & bloodless removal of common skin growth like skin tags, moles, cysts, molluscum & small skin tumours, among others. The procedure is performed after applying an anaesthetic cream; so, look forward to a pain-free treatment without scarring & a mere 5-day downtime.

Hair Removal

Hirsutism (excess hair) & Hypertrichosis (unwanted hair) is cosmetically unappealing & psychologically unsettling. Excess facial or body hair may run in families (depending upon your ethnicity), or it may be a sign of underlying hormonal imbalances which require medical intervention. Traditionally, women have opted for epilating methods ranging from shaving, tweezing, waxing, threading to the use of depilatory creams. While these provide a temporary & inexpensive solution, laser hair reduction therapy is the present solution for long term & long-lasting hair reduction with safe & effective results. Our lasers are effective on both fine & thick coarse hair & are safe on all skin tones. Our facility offers 4 different kinds of laser hair reduction machines. These include the Diode in Motion Laser (Alma Soprano laser & eLase with Motif), third-generation Intense Pulsed Light (Advanced Fluorescent Technology, Alma Harmony Super Hair Removal) & Long pulse Nd:YAG laser (Lyra). Long pulsed Nd:YAG laser is effective in the reduction of thick coarse hair in light-skinned women & is proven to be the safest laser to use in skin of colour. The Diode laser is the most powerful & effective among all the laser hair reduction machines, & the Super Hair Removal laser works well in fine hair. Most patients require 8-12 sessions on average, in a 4-6 weekly interval. What can be reasonably expected at the end of all the sessions is 60-70% elimination of all the hair, & conversion of the remaining hair to fine, barely visible hair. In order to maintain results, you must get single maintenance sessions once or twice a year. Hair removal lasers are safe after the age of 16. Some women who seek laser hair reduction may need a hormonal evaluation by an endocrinologist.


For patients with severe Rosacea who are unwilling or unsuitable candidates for oral antibiotics or Isotretinoin, treatment with Alma Harmony’s 420-nm Blue Light module is an excellent, non-invasive alternative which has no systemic side effects. It is especially helpful when Rosacea is associated with acne-like bumps & pustules. You will require 8 sessions over a 4-week period & each session will last around 15 minutes.

medical dermatology

3. Mole Mapping

Moles & Skin Cancers

Moles are a broad term to describe a wide variety of skin lesions, which could be either congenital (from birth) or acquired. Most of us notice fresh moles over the years & sometimes older moles may behave differently. They may grow larger, itch, bleed or change colour. If a mole has changed appearance consult your dermatologist. All suspicious moles will be photographed & examined under a special hand-held microscope called a Dermatoscope. Moles will be marked on a diagram, & the picture will be filed for future reference. Often a diagnosis can be made with this device in a completely non-invasive way. Moles should not be lasered under any circumstances!
Moles which appear suspicious under dermatoscopy will be surgically removed by a plastic surgeon & sent to the lab for a definitive diagnosis. Skin cancer is more common in Caucasians who have spent several years under the sun without adequate protection, especially if there is a family history of skin cancer. Benign & non-melanoma skin cancers are uncommon, but not rare among Indians.


Warts are skin growths caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Several common skin growths like skin tags & horns are erroneously referred to as warts by the untrained. Consult a dermatologist to confirm the diagnosis. Warts can occur anywhere in the body, including the throat or under the nail plate. They are painless & do not itch. Warts can resolve on their own, however, due to their contagious nature, it is advisable to get them treated. Genital warts are sexually transmitted. There are various treatment modalities which include shaving, topical acids & resins, liquid nitrogen cryofreezing, laser removal & oral medications. Pregnant women must NEVER apply any over the counter wart removal medication without consulting a dermatologist first. Irrespective of which treatment option was selected, warts tend to recur & repeat treatment may be necessary.

Chronic Sun Damage

Skin damage aggravates with ageing & in fair or sensitive skin. It is a common & recurring problem for many Caucasians who are living & working in India for an extended period. A form of chronic sun damage or ‘actinic keratoses’ (AKs) is likely to affect older fair-skinned people who have a lot of sun exposure or live in a tropic country. These lesions which may affect the face, scalp, hands & forearms are pre-cancerous, slightly red & form rough patches. They often scab repeatedly & need to be diagnosed & treated promptly. We treat chronic skin damage through a variety of procedures including-clinic ‘freezing’ (cryotherapy), ‘surgical scraping’ (curettage) or certain prescription creams.

medical dermatology

4. Women & Infants

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The most common STDs that we come across are genital Herpes, Yeast infections, Bacterial Vaginosis, Cystitis & genital warts. Some of these conditions are diagnosed by clinical examination alone, while others can be confirmed through swabs or blood testing. Our dermatologists are trained in the treatment, counselling & prevention of sexually transmitted illnesses while maintaining complete confidentiality & a non-judgmental approach. We strongly urge you to bring your sexual partner along for a consultation, as honesty & cooperation is the key to successful treatment.
Genital warts are also sexually transmitted & responsible for cervical cancer in women. Vaccines like Gardasil & Cervarix provide up to 90% protection against genital warts & are ideally administered in young girls & teenagers (before initiation of sexual activity).

Vulvar Diseases

The vulva is the external part of a woman’s genitals. Women are very shy about problems around the genital area. However, skin ailments affecting the vulvar region are fairly common & can be effectively treated if diagnosed by a trained dermatologist. Common skin problems affecting the vulvar region include rashes, recurring boils, ulcers & growths. These may be fungal, bacterial or sometimes caused by underlying hormonal changes of the body. Often patients suffer from itching, redness, discomfort & in some cases bleeding & pus formation. It is critical to address these problems promptly as many conditions worsen if left untreated. Vulvar skin conditions include eczemas, lichen planus, lichen sclerosis, vulvodynia, vulvar cancer, fungal & bacterial infections, to name a few.
At our skin centre, we have expert female dermatologists with experience treating specific vulvar conditions. We conduct all examinations & treatments with sensitivity & respect the patient’s privacy completely. We recommend that you visit us for a more detailed examination immediately if you feel you may be affected by a vulvar skin condition. Self-diagnosis & treatment may aggravate your condition.

Hair Loss Treatment

Female pattern hair loss is the most common type of hair loss in women. It is now becoming a more common condition and needs to be thoroughly investigated to rule out other causes of hair loss like hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies or a severe illness.
Treatment for female pattern hair loss is usually long-term and requires daily application of topical medicines along with oral tablets. In case the hair loss is due to other reasons such as hormonal or nutritional issues, specific treatments for the same may be required.


Newborns and infants have very delicate skin which is prone to diaper rashes & cradle caps. Toddlers & pre-pubescent kids present to us with various ailments like infections (scabies, lice), eczemas, insect bite reactions or viral rashes. Consult our dermatologists for the diagnosis & treatment of your child’s skin concerns as a paediatrician may sometimes miss certain salient clinical features.

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